Thursday, 19 September 2019
Marketing Dissertations | Loyalty | Market Share | Customers | Tesco
This dissertation explores Consumer Retail Loyalty An Analysis Into Tesco. Marketing Dissertation Topics - DISSERTATION - Historically, marketing has focused on market share and customer attainment rather than focusing on retaining existing customers and on building long-lasting relationships with them. More recently, however, market share has been progressively losing its revered as the pinnacle of marketing and the wisdom of focusing solely on customer acquisition (hoping that this effort will compensate for high levels of defection) is now being seriously questioned and considered as very high risk since ever more players enter an increasingly crowded marketplace. In response to these changes there has been a new emphasis on defensive marketing, which focuses on holding on to existing customers and getting more custom from them (higher “share of customer”), in contrast to activities which focus on winning new customers. Calls for a paradigm shift to the pursuit of loyalty as a s