Friday, 10 January 2020

Approaches for Research Dissertations - Dissertation Blog

Research Approaches for Dissertations - High Quality Dissertation Topics. Best Dissertation Titles at Affordable Prices For UK University Students. Approaches for all research, whether qualitative or quantitative, requires interpretation and contextualization by the researcher. Narrative statements or a series of figures will not give the answer to the research question or statement (hypothesis) by themselves. Therefore it is important to choose a research approach (or approaches) that will give the correct ‘type’ of data to answer your research question. A number of approaches are available when gathering data, but these don’t have to be used in isolation. For instance a focus group can elicit viewpoints which may need exploring further will a larger research cohort using a closed question survey. For this reason, it is important to plan your approach thoroughly before you start, to ensure your research question can be answered and to let your respondents know what is expected