Monday, 8 March 2021
HRM Dissertations | Flexitime | Flexible Working | Retention | Recruitment
This dissertation asks Can Flexible Working Act as Employee Recruitment and Retention Tool A Study of NHS Direct. HRM Dissertation Topics. Throughout the world labour markets are undergoing a tremendous shift towards flexible working, notably in the health sector. The competition in attracting and retaining employees among organisations is growing. From recruitment to performance appraisal to compensation and benefits, the public sector is committing itself to innovate practices that seek to attract and retain employees. The public sector in the United Kingdom is open to different work patterns including part-time, job share, flexitime, annualized hours and career breaks. Flexible working and work-life balance are considered as tools that increase the attractiveness of public sector jobs. This research paper aims to analyze the role of flexible working (flexitime) in the recruitment and retention of public sector employees. This dissertation will focus on the impact of Flexitime on the