Saturday, 29 May 2021
Quantity Surveying Dissertation | Cost Overruns | Construction China
Quantity Surveying Dissertation Cost Overruns Construction Industry of China - Construction overruns can prove to be costly and problematic, notably within the construction industry. Project overruns can come into existence by delayed regulatory approvals, stalled land acquisition and financial constraints all of which take a toll on the execution of projects. This research dissertation focuses on identifying major factors which can cause cost overruns notably within the construction industry of China. Both internal (major) and external factors of cost overruns will be identified by a robust literature review and survey. Also, this dissertation attempts to provide a comprehensive cost management system overview of the current state of the construction industry in China. The overruns of cost can be caused by delays, variations (such as changes in designs and contract documentation) and mistakes (poor planning, management or supervision). #construction #overruns #dissertation #china