Tuesday, 2 November 2021
Business Dissertations | Service Recovery | Service Industry | TQM | Customers
This dissertation explores The Impact of TQM on the Service Industry. Business Dissertation Topics. In the past decade the service industry has changed dramatically. It has moved towards a focus on Total Quality Management (TQM) and a ‘do it right the first time’ approach. The principal organisational objectives are to ensure customer satisfaction, retention and subsequently the generation of profit. The main reason for this change is that services are intangible. It is therefore, more challenging for marketers of this industry (than in the consumer goods industry) to ensure 100% quality. Evidently, customers are more than likely to experience dissatisfaction with a service at one point. As a consequence, customer complaints are common, with the number of recorded complaints increasing (Office of fair trading report, 2006). The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of service recovery on customer satisfaction and loyalty levels. #TQM #MBA #Dissertation