Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Marketing Dissertations | Celebrity Endorsement | Advertising | Celebrities

This dissertation asks Does Celebrity Endorsement Influence Consumers Purchasing Decisions. Marketing Dissertation Topics. Celebrity endorsement nowadays has become one of the most popular advertising campaigns. Companies use many celebrities like movie stars, athletes and singers to endorse in their adverts in order to attract consumers into purchasing their brands. The public‟s fascination with celebrities has helped marketers to utilise this marketing strategy and influence consumers purchasing intentions. Even though celebrity endorsement has become the most common advertising promotions, marketers still doubt if it is a successful and effective marketing strategy. Companies use celebrities for their fame so their glamour can reflect and draw attention on the product. However, some celebrities can destroy a brands reputation if they manage to get bad publicity. Therefore companies need to be really cautious when choosing a particular celebrity to promote their brand. This study a