Sunday, 20 March 2022

Business Angels | European Companies | MBA Dissertation | Startups

This MBA dissertation explores The Impact Of Post Involvement Of Business Angels On The Commercial Performance Of Startup Businesses - Business angels play an essential role in the economic system of United Kingdom as they create useful investment techniques in businesses through their resources and skills. In return they are able to acquire possession of the companies through buying stocks or shares. The banks in the country are quite hesitant to support little and start-up companies hence it is difficult to acquire financing in form of loans for such tasks. The banks have diverted their credit openness to more established companies which they believe have low risk due to their capability to produce income and pay back the debt. On the other hand, business angels complete the gap that the banks create hence offer capital and skills needed to start investments. Their demand for possession of companies depicts the willingness of the business angels to add value and propel further econo