Thursday, 14 April 2022
NHS Organisations Risk And Innovation - HRM Dissertation
Risk And Innovation: A Cause For Tension? Identifying And Understanding The Internal Factors Which Influence Risk Taking In NHS Organisations. Understanding what influences the willingness of NHS organisations to take risks is fundamental to their ability to innovate. NHS organisations are seen to be risk adverse, and risk aversion can inhibit innovation. With success in the future being more dependent on innovation, understanding what influences their willingness to take risk will help NHS leaders determine actions to create an innovative environment. The research approach was developed to gain understanding on influences on organisations willingness to take risk. The goal is to answer the question “What can I do to enable appropriate risk taking and hence to enable innovation?” for NHS Chief Executives. The focus on Chief Executives was chosen for two reasons: 1. To limit the scope of the work so there can be deliverables within a limited time period 2. Because leaders influen