Saturday, 1 April 2023

Opium Production in Afghanistan Economics Dissertation

This Economics Dissertation Is An Investigation Into the Economic Effect of Opium Production on the Stability of Afghanistan. Opium Production in Afghanistan Economics Dissertation – Afghanistan remains one of the largest producers of illegal opium globally. Notably, it is a resilient crop that has withered the effects of harsh weather, Taliban edicts, persistent armed conflict, and subsequent international efforts to combat its production and distribution. In light of the aforementioned, this dissertation examines the effect of opium production on the economy and stability in Afghanistan form a historical and political economy perspective. Subsequent to this analysis, this research finds that poppy is a significant ‘cash crop’ for Afghan economy at the macro and micro-levels. Also, it establishes that the dynamics of poppy economy have a limited contributing effect to the stability of Afghanistan given the growth in cultivation of the drug in the post-Taliban era. Against this