Sunday, 10 September 2023

Green Supply Chain Management Dissertation

This Dissertation Explores The Impact of Green Supply Chain Management On Organizational Performance - Hong Kong Based Organizations. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has emerged as a significant practice in the modern industrial landscape, driven by growing concerns about environmental impacts resulting from human activities. This study investigates the influence of GSCM on the performance of the manufacturing industry in Hong Kong. Employing secondary data analysis and qualitative thematic study methodologies, the author examined the implementation of GSCM over the past five years in Hong Kong’s manufacturing sector. As the environment is being affected by human activities, implementing GSCM has become almost essential to minimize its impact. This study focuses on the influence of GSCM on the performance of the manufacturing industry in Hong Kong. The researcher conducted a secondary data analysis on the implementation of GSCM in the Hong Kong manufacturing sector.