Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Remote Working Barclays Bank Dissertation

This HRM Dissertation Is An Analysis of Barclays Bank’s Motivation Strategies for Remote Workers - Remote Working Employee Well-Being. Remote Working Barclays Bank Dissertation – This dissertation examines how Barclays Bank engages and motivates employees with a particular focus on the impact of remote working arrangements, supportive leadership and open communication. Findings indicate that the shift towards remote work, especially in response to Covid-19 has been central to enhancing work-life balance and overall well-being among Barclays employees. Flexible working hours and a culture of open communication have proven essential in helping remote employees manage their time more effectively and feel connected to the organisation. Additionally, a leadership approach that encourages a sense of belonging has strengthened employee commitment to the organisation. The integration of advanced technological tools has facilitated smooth communication and collaboration contributing to hi


Thursday, 24 October 2024

Project Communication in Culturally Diverse IT Teams Dissertation

This Master Dissertation Focuses on Managing Project Communication in Culturally Diverse IT Teams - A UAE Case Study. Project management communication plays a vital role in ensuring the success and quality of project delivery, particularly in teams comprising members from diverse cultural backgrounds. Given the importance of effective and efficient communication in culturally diverse project teams, this research aims to examine the impact of cultural diversity on project management communication in the IT sector of the UAE. An exploratory research design was adopted for this study, with data collected from 100 project managers and team members working in the IT sector of the UAE. A survey questionnaire was used as the primary data collection tool.


Monday, 21 October 2024

Remote Work Dissertation

This dissertation examines the relationship between work-life balance (WLB) and remote work on employee productivity during COVID-19. This dissertation examines the multifaceted relationship between work-life balance (WLB), employee well-being, and organisational performance, particularly in the context of the shifting work dynamics influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. As organisations increasingly adopt remote and flexible work arrangements, understanding the impact of these changes on employee experiences has become paramount. This study synthesises existing literature and employs a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gather comprehensive insights from employees across various sectors.
