Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Remote Working Barclays Bank Dissertation

This HRM Dissertation Is An Analysis of Barclays Bank’s Motivation Strategies for Remote Workers - Remote Working Employee Well-Being. Remote Working Barclays Bank Dissertation – This dissertation examines how Barclays Bank engages and motivates employees with a particular focus on the impact of remote working arrangements, supportive leadership and open communication. Findings indicate that the shift towards remote work, especially in response to Covid-19 has been central to enhancing work-life balance and overall well-being among Barclays employees. Flexible working hours and a culture of open communication have proven essential in helping remote employees manage their time more effectively and feel connected to the organisation. Additionally, a leadership approach that encourages a sense of belonging has strengthened employee commitment to the organisation. The integration of advanced technological tools has facilitated smooth communication and collaboration contributing to hi
